I find it odd that so many people like LnC and not Superman. What ever drew you to LnC in the first place?

Well, I guess I must be one of the odd ones because I've been a Supes fan since I was a little girl! I'm a fan of the comics and I have watched all the various TV series although I gotta say The Superboy series was just totally bizarre.

I will say that while the Superman movies were fantastic because they brought Superman to the big screen, I always hated the dorky Clark because he never was that dorky in the comics or The Adventures of Superman (George Reeves).

I'll also admit that I was pretty upset when Dean Cain was cast as Clark Kent because he didn't 'look' like Clark Kent / Superman. But his charm and sweetness and sexiness won me over. In my mind though, Superman will always have pretty blue eyes.

And it seems I'm old enough to be DJ's mom - yikes!! And most of the rest of y'all's mom for that matter.... I'm 47.

I guess I'm lucky though - very few gray hairs!!

Well, Yvonne, I guess when we get older we don't really care as much, eh? I used to hide my real name, my town, my age etc. And because of that after taking a break from the boards, I don't remember who I used to be. Wait, maybe I still don't remember who I am....

Amen, Crazy_Babe, I put in another post somewhere if they don't get Lois and Clark together before the end of that show (Smallville), I may have to choke a producer. Some producers they are - they didn't even know Annette What's Her Name (Martha Kent) played Lana in Superman 3 (Sorry, I can't remember her last name) until she told them. And Crazy_Babe, you are so funny - I've got tapes older than you... (and they work)

When I first found this site, there wasn't any Google....

I keep hoping maybe the Sci-Fi station here will pick up LnC.

I've only Googled myself once and I found a great, great dead aunt... does that count?

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~