I'm 23 in Novemeber. I've never worried about being old since I sit in the middle to in terms of my friends some older than me and some younger. I think it doesn't matter how old you are it's what in the heart that counts. As for watching L&C I was around 8 or 9 when it first aired and of course about 13 or 14 when it ended. I only discovered the fanfic sites by chance when I first got the Internet, I did a random search wondering if I could find any information o L&C it amazed me that most of my friends weren't huge fans of the so (I still get Clark belongs with Lana stuff because my friends only real connection to the whole Superman story is through watching Smallville, but I've grown tired of telling them that from the very beginning of the re-vamp of the comics as well as the airing of Lois and Clark that it's L&C that belong together and NOT Clark and Lana). I was so happy to find out that worldwide there were people who loved L&C as much as I did. Since there was no real re-run of the show here on free to air TV, I had to wait (im)patiently for 10 years to have it on DVD all the while watching what was left of my tapes of S3 and hoping that they would hold out. Lucky for me S1 and S2 came out on DVD by the time my last move caused me to lose what was left of my S3 eps on tape. Thank goodness that we'll have all 4 seasons by the end of the year. smile

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller