No stuffed animals in our bed, but when I was pregnant the first time, I started sleeping with one of those full-length body pillows and became insanely attached to it, continuing to use it after the baby was born and to this day.

DH, in a whimsical moment, named the pillow "Herman" for reasons neither of us can remember anymore. We now talk about Herman as if he's a member of the family. "Keep Herman on your side." "Are you bringing Herman on the trip?" "Herman fell out of bed last night." It could all sound very strange to an outside listener, I suppose, but DH doesn't seem to mind Herman's presence in our bed.

My 8 yo son has a very battered stuffed dog he's been sleeping with since he was a baby, and every now and then we joke about what his wife is going to say when she realizes she has to share a bed with 'Puppy,' but somehow I suspect Puppy isn't actually going to last that long!
