I would love to know where Kitty’s quote comes from. I wasn’t pointed to it by the link she included.

But if and when you do meet your soul mate, even if it's for a brief moment, the two of you will know instantly. The chemistry, the feeling, the easy conversation will be there. As you look into each other's eyes, you will know. You will have the feeling you've known this person before. And it's true. You really have known this person before.
And as for this, I say balderdash. How many people to you know that have thought this and ended up in hateful, Hateful, HATEFUL divorce.

A relationship is HARD work, and it isn’t a matter of just ‘finding’ the right person.

But if and when you do meet your soul mate, even if it's for a brief moment, the two of you will know instantly
Nope, that isn't how it was for L&C. Clark knew it, but seriously, I think it had more to do with his being a Kryptonian than with the soulmates issue.
I agree. But then maybe Clark was just smitten. After all, he should have been turned off by the way she treated him.

So, if we're talking fiction, as far as I'm concerned, sure soulmates can happen.
Exactly. Anything can happen in fiction. That’s why it’s fiction.

And yes, well said, Chief Pam.

I really like what you said, Mrs. Mosley. I think that is total reality, and you’ve got guts for saying so. Kudos.

Except I have this nagging feeling that they do exist. That God surely would have sorted out the partner aspect of my life since he planned everything else. So occasionally I find myself wondering if that person is out there wondering about me.
God also planned that some people should be alone in this life. And don’t forget free agency. God allows us to make choices and to succeed… and fail. That’s part of the learning process.

I also think that there might be more than one possible Soul Mate for each person--which one they find just depends on the choices each person makes during their life
Yes, yes!! Someone else who agrees with me!!!

But I've also felt that instant connection with a woman who eventually became a very close friend, who also says she instantly bonded with me. Uh oh...was I really destined to be a lesbian and I settled for a man too quickly?! I hardly think so!
Yes, I’ve been there, too. I have a very good (female) friend, and I’d swear sometimes we can read each other’s minds. But were we meant to be lesbians? Oh, heaven’s no. Never.

The notion of a soul mate is best left to romance novels and fantasy.
Extremely well said!!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~