Like others have said, the idea of past lives is against my religion. I'm not saying that it's fun to think or read about in fiction, but in reality? No way.

Soul mates--I absolutely believe in them . . . sort of.

My idea of soul mates has to do with my idea of where we came from before life--that we basically "hung out" with each of our earthly friends and family members in a non-physical (in other words, purely spiritual) life before this. Some we got along with pretty well, and that is what I think carries over into the actual LIFE part.

I also think that there might be more than one possible Soul Mate for each person--which one they find just depends on the choices each person makes during their life.

For instance, Soul Mate A might not be the one for Person 1 because the choices Person 1 made in the beginning parts of his/her life and his/her personality makes him/her more compatible with Soul Mate B. Meanwhile, Soul Mate A has made his/her own choices, and has found their own best soul mate in Person 2.

If either Person 1 or Soul Mate A had made different choices in the first parts of their lives, then I think they might have been each other's soul mates.

So, do I believe in Soul Mates? Sure--but not that there's exclusively only one possible soul mate for each person.

That said, it's my theory that your husband could be ONE of your soul mates, Mrs. Mosley, and that any of the other guys who were your potential soul mates would not have been right for the you that came about from your personality and life experiences/choices.

(I'm only answering with you as an example because I'm not married--or even really dating at the moment. Although, I have met--and dated--a few guys, two of which I think were potential soul mates who just weren't THE soul mate for me anymore, because I'd made different choices and had different experiences in my life that made me incompatible with them soul mate-wise.)

Did that make sense?

"You take turns, advise and protect one another, even heal or be healed when the going gets too tough. I know! That's not a game--that's friendship!" ~Shelly Mezzanoble, Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl's Guide to the Dungeons & Dragons Game

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