I enjoy the soulmates concept in Lois & Clark, even the past lives part, which I absolutely don't believe in. But all of that is part of the fantasy. I don't believe in any of it in real life.

Besides, if you look at that description of soulmates, it wasn't true for Lois & Clark. They had to work hard to get together; both of them had to grow up a lot; their relationship was nearly derailed several times--and all of this after they met each other.
But if and when you do meet your soul mate, even if it's for a brief moment, the two of you will know instantly.
Nope, that isn't how it was for L&C. Clark knew it, but seriously, I think it had more to do with his being a Kryptonian than with the soulmates issue.

Sheila Harper
Hopeless fan of a timeless love story
