Actually I'm serious. There's a big difference between a determined, competent investigator and a curious snoop.

Lois Lane is an intelligent, focused individual driven to right the wrongs she sees in her line of work. Susan is the lovable bumbler. She's not stupid, but she is sort of a klutzy ditz who stumbles through life from one minor crises to another.

While Lois may be insecure about her personal life, she doesn't wear her emotions on her sleeve. Lois has dealt with any of her professional insecurities by out working, and out performing her peers. Susan's insecurities cover just about every aspect of her life and she broadcasts them like a neon sign.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy Teri's portrayal of Susan. It's a role that she does very well. But it's not Lois. I mentioned once back at the beginning of the season that it was nice to see Teri working again, but it was also a bit depressing because it signaled the end of the Teri as Lois Lane.

We all tend to identify actors with their roles and (ignoring those crappy small time movies which is easy to do) they become that character for us. When Teri wasn't 'out there' in the public eye it was easy to still see her as Lois since it was her last significant role. Now she has created Susan, and has become her in the minds of her fans. It's good for Teri, and I wish her success, but I mourn the death of 'my' Lois Lane.

Tank (who doubts that even a decent haircut could make Susan seem like Lois... but would still like to see it)