I've only watched one episode of DH - thanks, Lynn! smile - but found myself rapidly becoming irritated with the characters' behaviour and the farcical scenes. It's not really my thing. But I'm glad to see Teri Hatcher doing well - and it was amusing to see just how like Lois she still looks. Even if I do think her hair is just a bit too long for her and that she's way too ditzy for my liking. wink

Carol, I'm with you all the way on the new Dr Who - I had no idea it's being aired here in Canada. We've been grabbing the eps from newsgroups. I've always liked Christopher Eccleston - loved him in Our Friends In The North - and I really like the much more gritty feel the producers have given to Dr Who. And the very faint, but not non-existent, sexual tension between the Doctor and Rose. (And if anyone had ever told me that I'd actually like Billie Piper, I'd have thought they had two heads! goofy ). Oh, and it's also great to see a woman in a starring role on TV who actually has normal-sized hips rather than those better suited to a 12-year-old boy! wink

The only shame is that apparently Eccleston is only doing one season as the Doctor. frown

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*