I tend not to critiscize others work, I have very bad grammar skills. And my spelling skills are on par. English, has never been my cup of tea. I have moments, of inspiration but where to put a comma. And word choice are not, something I ever learned. I'm a science girl first and formost. BUT I realise that not everyone has NOR wants to have the background and insight of Molecular Genetics (And since i'm not working in the field I am losing enough to go back to knowing about as much as High School Kids know these days) .

I emphasise the positive, because Yes I am lazy so stories that inspire me to comment, have made me smile at the very least. And I WILL gush praisingly if I am enthralled with a story pointing out many of the points which make the story meaningful to me.

I don't feel qualified to make corrections to anyone elses work. I use to have some common pet peeves. And if something is riddled with obvious errors. I will notice.

I generally don't bother to nitpick stories. I of course hypocritically welcome feedback if I ever choose to write (i'm not a writer) but, it needs to be phrased gently. I have an incredibly fragile ego so.....
