I tend to be very nitpicky with my own stories. I write with the spell checker on and go back a couple of times to check for anything it missed before posting stories online.

As for other stories, people are human, so if someone makes one or two errors in a story and they don't interfere with the flow, it doesn't bug me.

If the story is badly written and there are dozens of typos that a spell checker or decent beta reader would have caught, and I'm reading it on a site like fanfiction.net, then I might say something like "You might want to get a beta reader." But I won't point out every little thing they did wrong. IMHO, beta readers are the ones who are supposed to nitpick and point out everything before the story is posted.

I am also way more nitpicky about published writers and professional journalists. In fact, I e-mailed my local paper when they had a typo in one of their headlines on their website the other day. It was the kind of thing a spell checker would have caught. I have also found typos in published novels and cringed. I think the standards for professionals are higher, though.

As for constructive criticism, I don't mind when people nicely point out something obvious so I can fix it. However, I'd rather get feedback on plot, characterization, etc.

I believe there's a hero in all of us that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams. -- Aunt May, Spider-Man 2