I think I'd have to agree with Wendy on this one. I have a greater reaction to mistakes and typos in published work. For some reason they glare at me. Perhaps it irks me that they have editors and other paid people who are supposed to catch those things. A typo may slip through, but when its get to be numerous, it can be annoying.

In fanfic, I'm less nitpicky, although a piece that is riddled with errors in every line is pretty hard to get through and I will probably abandon it. I'm not too bothered with mis-characterizations- unless the character isn't consistent in the story. I think that it can be interesting to read the different takes on the characters.

As for my own errors, I try to read and proof everything but if I do miss something, I like to be told about it. Usually it's just a smack on the forehead "d'oh" and a quick change.


October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles