Just catching up with this. smile
When I saw the subject heading I thought I knew what 'nitpicking' was, did the poll, and then I started to read. eek

So many different defintions lurk beneath the responses. So ... nitpicking is not objecting to major grammar and spelling; oh, wait a minute it is; no, it's the typos; no, no, nothing minor like that - it's plot and charcterization issues; POV, that's what it is; nope nothing that big, just the odd factual errror; uh uh, it's the punctuation and the commas.

It's been fun to read all the responses, but now I need to know how to undo all my answers to the poll itself, because now I have no idea. laugh

Think my answer is it depends, maybe, sometimes, only when I'm betaing, and never on Sunday.

cc m