I have to weigh in on the side of Pam and Sarah-Jayne: the show was called Lois and Clark, and that's who I want to read about. I don't mind non-L&C stories -- e.g., Next Generation or Jimmy fics (shut up, Tank! wink ) -- but if Lois and Clark are there, that's who I want to see together.

I can cope with people like Lori or Elizabeth -- romantic interests for Clark after Lois dies (though Lori doesn't really count laugh ) -- but I am not interested in, and more than halfway hostile towards, stories involving L&C with other people (but only in the sense of actively refusing to read them, I hasten to add) while both are alive. Anything else is not only not to my taste, but smacks of DC's apparent hatred of any sort of long-term romance for their characters -- and, as they have recently seriously annoyed me by breaking up three well-matched couples, I am even less inclined than usual to cut any slack in this area.

I would be particularly bothered by stories involving Lois and another man. Why? I'm not sure, but it may have something to do with the fact that neither series or comics ever came up with anyone good enough for her, IMO -- and the fact that Lois Lane is an integral part of the Superman mythos and has been from Action Comics #1 in June 1938. It's just not right for her to be with anyone else!

That's my take on the question. I could wish that Q2 of the poll had an option for those of us who aren't interested in reading L&? or C&? romances; as it was, I had to put a misleading answer for that question before I was allowed to vote.

Phil, who will get back to writing Lyra and Klar one of these centuries... :rolleyes:

Ping! Ping!! Ping!!! -- Mother Box
She's such a chatterbox at times...