When I finished posting Through the Window, I had this wonderful feeling of "the end"ness.

Everything wrapped up, characters where they belonged, and although not perfect, it was all very hopeful, and that was that.

The end.

For about ten minutes.

And it wasn't that people were begging for a sequel, they weren't. And it wasn't that I wanted to write one, I didn't. It was that the reader comments on that story sort of ganged up and took on a life of their own. Once I saw the shape of them, so to speak, I knew I was a goner. The result was a sequel that was twice as long as the original.

That was really frustrating and fun at the same time. I knew I'd left loose ends, and that was ok with me, or so I kept telling myself (and Wendy). So, what was I doing back in there tidying everything back up??

Still pondering that.

And on another subject-

says Labrat
Only got the bones of something that could involve them though
Toss us the bones, Lab! We'll take them!!


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
