I said 'other'. Why? Because I think it depends on the story. With Learning Curves (and yes, I know I haven't written part three yet), I realised that there were plot threads left dangling at the end of part one. While the B-plot had been resolved, I wasn't entirely happy with the way I left the A-plot.

By contrast, the story I ended up telling in Extraordinary Man I and II was as I had planned at the outset. (Well, the A plot got a bit more detailed, but the resolution was exactly as I had intended.)

The main reason why that story got split into two was to make it more manageable for me. If I hadn't split it, it would have been even more daunting to complete than it was, and I doubt I would have ever managed to finish it. Also, the points of view in parts one and two are sufficiently different that I think it works better as two separate pieces.

If -- and it is a huge and extremely unlikely if -- I ever write a part III, it would be because I grew to like the universe I created.

I could have saved a lot of words here had I simply said that my motives for writing a sequel depends upon the circumstances.

Chris (who has mostly written standalone stories)