I don't write sequels. Or at least not usually. Some people have bugged me for years about sequels to Hearts Divided or Tryst... but I just don't see that there's a story I want to tell. huh

On the other hand... I've written not one but *three* sequels in the past year eek , two of them in the same series. And it's been because there was a story I wanted to tell. Just liking the universe and characters isn't enough for me. Although it certainly helps when readers tell me *they* like my universe <g> But when I get to the end of the story and there are some interesting things left unresolved... that's when I start getting ideas.

H is for Hubris is a failed nfic that turned into a joke on Herb, but buried in there was an interesting dynamic between L&C, and after the initial story had been out there for a while, ideas started to circulate. Mind you, they probably wouldn't have amounted to anything without my faithful naggers laugh

Actually, thinking back on it, I think it was all due to the titles. "H is for Hubris" came out of nowhere, really, but it clicked for me. And then I started thinking about a sequel set a few episodes later, and called it "I've Got A Crush on Two." But then, when the story was almost finished, people on IRC were joking about different alphabet titles, and that sounded intriguing, so at the last minute that story turned into "I is for Illusions." At that point I was planning another sequel, and I was bit worried about coming up with a J title, but my dictionary convinced me there were tons of words to choose from. And then I started getting ideas for future titles... and, very impressed by my own cleverness, wink I began planning them as a series.


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K