I, as well, am unfamilier with the story, but that has never stopped me before. laugh

I have to side with Jon going to L&C. Over the years, Elisabeth and I have had many discussions on nearly every case in the media where the bio-parents get the custody of 'their' child from a foster or adopted couple that have had the child for a very long time.

In nearly every case, the battle for the child has carried on for years and most often has scarred the child. Even so, I these cases had been done speedily, I still think that the bio-parents shouldn't get the child and here is why.

Less than a week ago, my newest nephew was born, Less than two days later, he had to have surgury for a hernia and a few other related things. Little Ben was born at home and in the care of his parents from birth till he was taken for surgry.

Here is a quote from the parents about Little Ben's reaction to the change in his world.

Little Ben recovered from the anesthesia (a serious concern in an only two day old baby), had the joy of IVs, sensors and rectal Tylenol (which was quite traumatic for him--even now, if we go to change his diaper, he screetches until the new diaper is in place). At one point, the nurse just touched his leg and he screamed bloody murder.
At lest than a week, this little guy knew what was going on and he didn't like it!

Our youngest, Trinity, is going to be a year in about 2 weeks. Already, she has preferances. She will not take a bottle from anyone but Daddy and she has known her family on sight for well over 6 months.

Sure, I don't really remember anything from my first year of life, but then I didn't have to. Nothing had changed for years that was any different.

But what if I had been ripped away from the only parents I knew and given a 'new' mom and dad or just a dad? Studies have shown that even as early as a year, children in these situations grow up with insecure tendancies and abandonment issues.

A child is better off in the nuturing environment that they have always known.

We've talked about the other aspect too. How much do the bio-parents really love the child? Do they love him enough to allow them to be happy? If, some how, Elisabeth and I had had to give up RoseMary for adoption and that other couple was loving and kind, etc...we would hope that we would love her enough to let her have the best life she could have. We would want to involved, if possible, but we would not want to rip her from the only home she had ever had.

James, getting off the soapbox now.

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!