Roger, you make a lot of valid points, but I have to disagree with one of your fundamental arguments.

You say that you see no reason to asuume that CK couldn't do a good job of raising Jon. This is where we disagree.

Being a single parent has to be incredibly difficult under normal circumstances, but at least a 'regular person' has the ability to plan ahead for those times when he won't be available to care for his child. This is not true for CK.

Yvonne has implied that CK will most likely take back up his Superman mantle when he returns. That means that his time is not his own. What does CK do when he 'hears' about some situation that needs his attention. He can't just ignore it, yet he can't leave Jon alone for who knows how long.

Of course, there are ways around this, like a full-time live-in nanny, but we've seen no indication of those kind of thoughts on CK's part. His whole focus to date has been a selfish one. He's thinking only of how he feels and hasn't really addressed what it would take to raise Jon in his world beyond, 'he could make it work somehow'. Until we see CK working out some detailed logical ways that he can provide properly for Jon, I don't think he is the better choice for custody.

You bring up the whole Tempus, Utopia, and the curse scenario. I get the impression the you think that the curse is the reason why altLois died in childbirth. Even if Yvonne accepts the show's canon on the whole Tempus thing and the baggage it brings, there's been no indication that Tempus has interfered or been any sort of factor in the alt-universe.

Obviously, there is more story to be told and more 'information' that must be revealed before a final disposition of Jon can be made. My opinion has been based on what we've seen so far (and the fact that I have no emotional attachtment to any child, so I can think logically wink ).

Only time, and Yvonne can tell.

Tank (who still thinks that it would be irresponsible for Clark to impregnate Lois if there was anything greater than a normal human danger to her by doing so)