I'm with Roger on this. While reading the storyparts the idea of Lois and Clark keeping this child in the end has never entered my mind!

He was brought to them for safekeeping, he isn't theirs and never will be - not now that his own father has come to claim him. And rightfully so! The baby is very young, he'll get over being separated from Lois and Clark very quickly but they, understandably, will be heartbroken. A truly agonizing situation for all three adults involved.

A tough one you've taken upon yourself this time, Yvonne! Good luck with the writing of this ending - you'll need it!
We'll be watching! evil


Lois: Well, I like my quirks. I think they make me unique.
Clark: You certainly are unique.

Clark: You're high maintenance, you know that?
Lois: But I'm worth it!