Hi Schoolmarm smile Just putting on my Admin cap for a moment to address a concern which has been brought to my attention.

Argh! How many times do I have to explain this rule, class?
Well, I believe that this is the first time you've explained it under your current nick. wink And certainly the first time on these boards, and there are people here who aren't part of other L&C forums.

Seriously, I'm sure you had the very best of intentions in relation to what you said in your post, Schoolmarm, so you may not be aware that the part I've quoted might be interpreted in a way you didn't intend. I'm just pointing that out in order to request that no-one who may have been upset by it respond - we don't want a fight. frown

Thanks, all. Normal service is now resumed. wink

Wendy smile
Boards Administrator

Just a fly-by! *waves*