I did an Internet search for grammar rules just because I was curious. And of course, I found the Internet was no help. On three university websites, I found three different rules.

One website said that you always append 's to the end of a possessive even if the noun ends in an 's'.

A second university website said you only append an 's if you pronounce another syllable after the name, e.g. lois-es would then be spelled Lois's, whereas a word like boys would only have a ' appended to it because you don't pronounce the plural, boys-es.

A third university website said that it was completely optional. You could append either ' or 's to the end of a possessive ending in 's'.

So there you have it. Three colleges with three different answers. Sigh. Esperanto is looking better and better. wink

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin