I voted for Lois' - however, I'm really not a stickler about this. In fact, lately I've been tempted to change my stance on the issue because I've realized that I pronounce it "Lois's." But that looks funny to me after all this time of writing it as "Lois'." Can you tell I'm really conflicted on this?

Anyway, I think the only thing that *really* matters is that writers pick one and stick to it. Be consistant in whichever you choose.


Editing to add this:

The thing is, that when I send a story at the Archive, my GE said, among the other corrections, that "Lois's" is correct and not "Lois'". "When the word is in the SINGULAR," he said, "you do add an s. You do not add one only if it is in the PLURAL."

Given the fact that all of my teachers are Greek and my GE is... I think from the USA, (well... at least I know for sure he is a native English speaker), I assume that he is right.
With all due respect to your GE, I would hesitate to take the opinion of any native English speaker at face value when it conflicts with what you've been taught by your English intstructors. Just because we speak the language does not mean we necessarily understand the minutiae of the rules of grammar.

The point of this poll is that there there are two equally acceptable versions. It's merely a question of which you prefer.

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen