This is an interesting discussion. While I am one of thoses that loves TE's and likes to read them without a warning, I can certainly symphatize with readers who don't like it.

Recently I found I like whams a lot (okay, so very surprising), and reading TE's is something I like then. The surprise element without the label is what makes it fun. Most of the TE's I read lately are also very hillarious. And that is only because you don't know in advance you're reading a TE.

I have to say that while reading the story, it should become obvious it's a TE. Just a few lines at the end doesn't work for me.

So I don't like to see them labelled. Pam's suggestion should in my opinion work pretty well. The thread is highlighted, so it's always on top of the folder, and you can easily see then if a new post has been made. I don't think it's that much extra work to check if there is a new TE.
And people who don't want to loose the surprise of the new post just don't check the thread.

Wendy's idea of a new forum sounds good to me too. Maybe we can even put a password on it. That way people who just want to read, can't even get in without the password. So it's completely up to them to be able to enter the thread.

I have this feeling I'm not making much sense anymore. I hope it's clear what mean.


I tawt I taw a puddy cat!