I know some of you are fans of Castle (and the rest of you I shall try to convert... hyper Me! Me! )

4. Apologize Summary from ff.net: As Kate finds herself getting back on solid ground in her relationship with Castle, her world gets turned upside down by an unexpected visitor. As emotions run high and danger lurks will she and Castle be able to stand together and become stronger or will their secrets and lies eventually tear them apart? Set after 4x22 Undead Again. AU. Very alternate universe which I refuse to spoil (you'll find out as soon as you read the first chapter or two), but I *swear* to you, it's fantastic.

5. Moments in Time Summary from ff.net: Rick Castle travels back in time and meets Johanna Beckett in that fateful alley. This is the story of what happens after he saves her life. This is a series of sorts, but the entire set of stories written by this author is great. I'm still behind on it, but I'm definitely going to catch up to the end one day...

6. "Petruchio" on ff.net. This is an M rated story, so I won't link, but it's phenomenally well done. Title inspired (probably the story as well in parts?) by Taming of the Shrew. And it's hot. Extremely so.

7. Agent Rodgers, FBI Summary from ff.net: After Alexis' untimely death from leukemia, Rick puts away his crime novels and joins the FBI. After a friend's deadly brush with the Dragon, he vows to solve his murder and bring the perpetrator to justice. To do it he will need the help of NYPD Detective Kate Beckett. Starts fairly dark, but as time goes on, it gets lighter and hey, I love the angst (as some of you know). Reminded me in some ways of Above Alt Else , in the attitude comparison between Clark/Rick and Lois/Beckett. The author (Shutterbug5269) has gone on to write a prequel and sequel to this, and has many other great stories as well. Really good writer there, including some WAFFy stuff.

8. There are *two* wonderful, heart-wrenching, angst-ridden stories on ff.net about Castle getting a diagnosis of some kind. There's "Patient" by Stephxy (which I just realized was rated M so I unlinked it, but it's mostly for some language and a little bit of sexiness) and The World You Love by caskettinacastle. If you're ever looking for a good cry, or a good pain in your chest, these are absolutely it. And then, when you've reached the end, you can spam the author with pm's and reviews about how these need to be finished. And then you can throw tomatoes at me for having recommended these in the first place. peep

9. And in general, I find that you can't go wrong with any stories written by Dmarx. Lots of good stuff, ranging across multiple genres.

10. Young Justice fanfiction on ff.net Hero Summary: Lex Luthor is finally going to pay for his crimes, all thanks to a mild mannered reporter. Superboy's job is easy enough: keep the man who put Luthor in prison safe from Luthor's wrath. There's just one thing no one's told Conner. A coming of age story from the AnonMeme. Part of a series, but I originally read this one before reading any of the others. It's a great exploration of a different kind of Superman and how his relationship to Conner develops from nothing into something. Really well done, and I've barely seen any YJ, so it's not required knowledge. Not anything besides knowing there's a JL and who's in it. :p

11. Superman Revelations Summary from ff.net: When an accident forces Clark to reveal his identity to the world the Kents' lives will never be the same again. Future-fic. Great reveal story, though it's not for MoS 'verse. Author is another great writer-- also does tons of Downton Abbey fics, but I've never had the chance to pursue them personally.


Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain