Originally posted by ealperin:
Originally posted by Marcus Rowland:
[b] Definitely agree on Helen Slater as the definitive Supergirl - the version in my Supergirl crossover series is basically an older version of her rather than any of the later ones, they just aren't as convincing (despite improvements in special effects etc.) She came across as having an innocence and a joy in things like flying and seeing Earth after a lifetime in an artificial environment that none of the others (apart from some of the animated ones) have done so well.

Btw, I LOVE YOUR version of Kara! Wonderful job!!! I have most of the series in ebooks!!! I hope to see more of it!!! Fun fact: I had a violin teacher named Mrs. Lucas. wink Quick Question: who are you shipping Linda/Kara with? Ethan? Who do you usually ship her with? For me, I'm a big fan of, well, if we're going with the Movie version: Ethan. And the late 90's Peter David Supergirl series: Richard "Dick" Malverne. wink [/b]
I'm pretty sure that she does have a boyfriend, but I'm not sure who it is yet. Probably someone from one of the fandoms I've already used in this series, or another if I can find one that will go reasonably well with the DC movieverse.

I'm afraid I killed off Ethan in the first story (or rather, in the background to the first story), he left her some money which she used to bootstrap her career.

It was going to be Timothy McGee (NCIS) but I keep coming up with reasons not to write that - he's a nice guy and they did "meet cute" at the end of the first story, but it really doesn't feel right somehow. Part of it is that he's a little old for her, another is that he's in an occasionally violent profession and has killed, which she wouldn't like. Plus they had someone else McGee met that way try to kill him at around the time I said they met (I wasn't aware of that at the time I wrote the story), which might make him a little cautious...

What I may do is write a "five people Kara dated" story of some sort, and see who seems to fit best.

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game