Originally posted by Lois_Lane_Fan:
The best scene, for me, though, was the Lois and Superman flight scene. I think it was probably the most romantic Lois and Superman scene that had been filmed up to that point. Of course, Superman's reaction to Lois' death and then going back in time to save Lois was both a sad and powerful scene.

Really? The poem was awful....

But not as bad as the entire fourth movie....

L&C is definately of the best versions,with tied second place going to Smallville & the CR movies IMHO. Although I haven't yet seen S4 of L&C OR S10 of Smallville.

I'll get round to them eventually I guess. Right now I'm on a big kick with another alien who saves the Earth & humanity a lot though. Hint: "People think that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but when you look at it from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's actually a big ball of wibbley-wobbley, timey-wimey stuff......"

Having said that Lois & Clark is one of the best shows ever....