The poem didn't really bother me, but what I liked most about the flying scene was the looks they were giving each other.

I just finished watching all of the Christopher Reeve films. Here are a few thoughts.

Superman II

I thought it was almost as good as the first film, but the first one was just a little bit better. I enjoyed the plot of Lois knowing Clark was Superman. It was definitely different than anything else we had seen on film at that point in time. The amnesia kiss may have been a little silly, but it didn’t really bother me too much, probably because by the time I first saw it I already knew that other versions like “Lois and Clark” would play out the story with Lois finding out the secret for good.

Zod was a great villain. It was nice to see Superman facing other Kryptonians because that made for a greater challenge for Superman.

Superman III

I’ve seen this a few other times, and I didn’t enjoy it. This time, I went into the movie trying to look for some good things, and I found a couple of things I enjoyed. It wasn’t as bad as I remembered.

Christopher Reeve was given a great opportunity to show off his acting skills even more by playing “bad” Superman. I thought he did a very good job.

Annette O’Toole did a good job playing Lana Lang. The scene where Lois met Lana was really good, too. You can tell that Lois is a little jealous of Lana, meaning she must kind of like Clark at this point. I always enjoy scenes where we see Lois liking Clark rather than Superman. I just wish we’d been able to see more of this Lana-Lois-Clark triangle.

Having Richard Pryor in such a big role hurt the movie, though. He’s a great comedian, but his role was just too big for a movie that’s supposed to be about Superman. If you watch the trailer for the movie, you’ll notice that the first half of it focuses more on Richard Pryor than on Superman. I enjoyed the comedy provided by Otis in the first two movies, but he wasn’t featured as one of the main stars of the movie. Had Richard Pryor’s role been reduced, it might have worked better for me.

The villains were another big problem for me. They just didn’t hold up against Superman’s past threats of Lex Luthor and Zod.

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

I watched this one for the first time ever last night. I’d heard a lot of bad things about it, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I thought it was decent, but then again, I’m a sucker for anything about Superman. It wasn’t great like the first two movies, but I liked it a little more than “Superman III.” I liked that Lois had a bigger role in this movie than she had in “Superman III.”