I am a huge fan of all things Superman (not just Lois and Clark). In fact, I even rather enjoyed Superman Returns. Sure, it was different, and I didn't think Kate Bosworth or Brandon Routh worked (though loved Kevin Spacey's Lex and I can't say anything bad about James Marsden because I just think he's a cutie wink ). But I could appreciate it for it's story. It wasn't very much Superman as we know him, but it wasn't a bad film. But even I tend to block Superman III and IV from my memory banks (ironically, that's also exactly what the studios did when making "Superman Returns"). They're pretty awful. Over this last summer, I actually rewatched all of the Superman movies. I would say the only thing that Superman 4 is good for is a laugh. Basically he just fights Nuclearman a bunch and amnesia kisses Lois a couple of more times. :rolleyes:

I am hesitant about the new movie. At the very least, I hope I can appreciate it as a film, and I'm keeping fingers crossed that it won't destroy the Superman franchise entirely...

And I, like Virginia, am still waiting out Netflix on the old George Reeve show. Can't wait for that. smile1 If they ever get it... grumble

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain