I was thinking last night, as I was watching one of the documentaries, what I would try and tell her about that day. What stands out to me the most in my mind, was the LOVE that Americans had for their country immediately following the attack. There were no Republicans or Democrats, Liberals or Conservatives, just people who loved this country (the finger pointing came a couple months later).
This is what stands out most to me, as well. I was 15 when it happened. I remember sitting in school watching the news nonstop until they let us go home early.

I hoped that as we hit this 10 year mark, with the state that our country is currently in, people would remember above all else how unified we all became. I remember seeing American flags everywhere. People didn't argue or bicker over trivial things. We were all brought together by our shared grief and anger against a common enemy.

That is what I hope to tell my future children when they are old enough to comprehend this tragedy. That out of such devastation came such unity.

I normally shy away from anything 9/11 related. It has always been too difficult for me. And that's how I handle difficult things - avoidance. But I managed to watch a good amount of coverage over the past two days and I'm glad I did. It was almost healing for me. And it reminds me that we need to continue celebrating those that sacrificed themselves to help others.


Joey: If he doesn't like you, then this is all just a moo point.
Rachel: A moo point?
Joey: Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion, you know, it just doesn't matter. It's "moo."
Rachel: Have I been living with him for too long, or did that all just make sense?