I really cannot express how much I appreciate everyone's posts and PMs. Your support, suggestions and good thoughts mean a great deal during this extremely difficult time.

I also appreciate those of you who have opened up to share the stories of your own struggles with the disease. I'm sorry that I have not posted additional thanks in a few days: it has been a whirlwind of doctors, getting treatment set up and getting affairs in order. Michelle, I am so sorry to hear about your brother. How terrible that he was lost at such a young age. Thank you for the suggestions, though, regarding the tightrope that needs to be walked. Even though the diagnosis is new, I am seeing how that comes into play already.

Shadow, I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother suffered with this disease. I have great admiration for her in dealing with the disease on her own terms, though. In a life we cannot control, at least she passed on her own terms. And Jenna, I am so sorry that your grandmother is having to battle colon cancer. I will be thinking good thoughts for you both. I know that it must be a struggle for you to maintain positivity and strength when someone you love has their "down" days during this process. I'm sure that you are a great comfort to her during this battle, though.

For those who asked, my mom's prognosis is very poor, as it generally is with metastatic pancreatic cancer. When it is inoperable and so advanced, there is really not much hope for remission. (Pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate of all major cancers.) The doctors ultimately told her about 6 months, barring unforeseen complications, possibly up to a year if she responds particularly well to chemotherapy. My heart is broken, but I am able to enjoy the time that I have with her. Unfortunately, she is already experiencing severe symptoms from the disease and side effects from the palliative treatment, but I will just be there for her as she has always been for me. Thanks again, everyone. I really appreciate it.