I live in Northern New Jersey, about an hour's drive from NYC. I was at work and worried about my husband who was making deliveries at that time. I didn't know where he was scheduled to go that day and he could very well have been there. Unfortunately, all the phone lines were tied up and I didn't talk to him until we were both home that night.

My office did close early, but I ended up watching a video tape because EVERY channel kept replaying the crash and I just couldn't watch it anymore.

The next day, Craig came home from work and told me that his office, a pharmaceutical distributor was sending a care package of bandages and other first aid supplies to the workers. He took a couple of our blankets to send, too.

I bought a book sometime later called "Be Still, America. I Am God." It's all different stories of people who should have been there but something got in the way...alarm clock didn't work, missed the train, etc. I still haven't read the entire book yet, because each time I've tried I just start crying all over again.

I don't personally know anyone who was lost that day, but I still feel for the families who do.

Anne >^,,^<

"I only know how to make four things, and this is the only one without chocolate." Lois Lane "All My I've Got a Crush on You 10/24/1993