Well, my 9/11/01 was rather usual. It was the time of summer break before my sophomore year, and I was working (at McDonald's, actually). It was indeed a very beautiful day, not only in Germany, but probably most of Europe (as other people have already stated), and after work I was going to meet a friend. As you can imagine, I was in an excellent mood by the time I first heard about it. Wonderful summer day, almost done with work (I was supposed to be off work at 4 pm - that's 10 am EST), plans for my evening...
Anyway, one customer noticed my good mood and asked me how I could be so happy after what happened with the WTC. I was all "Huh, what the heck are you talking about?" and was given the very short version of the planes crashing into the towers.

Still, I thought this was some kind of sick joke, and I was discreetly checking for cameras. blush I mean, who'd believe it if he hadn't known it for fact? Planes simply aren't supposed to crash into skyscrapers.

Anyway, once I was off work, I walked to my friend's place. Still uneasy about what that "crazy person" had told me, I asked my friend if he had heard anything strange from the US today. He simply took me into his living room, where he had been watching CNN. I think we've been watching the vids being replayed time and again until very late into the night. We also discussed the possible ramifications and reasons behind the attack, but neither of us could imagine what would follow. Okay, so we could imagine the US would enter a war, but neither of us could imagine how civil rights would suffer.

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)