Yesterday we had our "Parade of 1000 Flags" in memory of 9/11. It's a simple parade. Individuals carry the flags down the street to our humble Civic Center and put them up in rows. We have a picture wall of local folks who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't think anyone from here was killed in the twin towers or the Pentagon. I know no one was on the plane that went into Pennsylvania.
Also we have the traveling Vietnam Veterans Wall here for a week. It is 1/2 scale, which makes it still pretty big. It's lit at night and guarded all the time, but anyone can come see it anytime. We're going to do that today. Hubby took a shift at guard duty last night. Several people came out although it was late at night.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis