Not for Singapore. We have what they call "Community Songs" that we learn in school that we sing, and that the radio or television broadcast only around National Day. They help foster an atmosphere of patriotism around National Day... I mean, these songs have lyrics like

Singapore, our homeland
It's here that we belong
All of us united, one people marching on
We've come so far together, our common destiny
Singapore, forever
A nation strong and free


One people, one nation, one Singapore
That's the way that it will be forever more
Every creed and every race
Has its role and has its place
One people, one nation, one Singapore

But these songs don't belong to any particular genre, and nobody listens to these songs during other times of the year.

Singaporeans are proud of Singapore. We've achieved much since having independence thrusted upon us 45 years ago. We try to punch above our weight in the international arena, but really, in the grand scheme of things, Singapore is very young and small country. Getting emotional about my country is one thing, to hear songs about about how wonderful my country is over the radio... nope, just not done.