It is fine that you don't want to censor people. But you are driving a good number of the people on your board away because people want to post inflammatory posts that they know people who don't hold their same view would take offense to and be upset about. But that doesn't matter to most of you because you are all of the same opinion. Those of us on the other side have felt threatened and been treated as rejects and as if we are stupid.
I was sad to see JoJo sign off because I remember reading some posts by him/her (?) that I enjoyed in the past. But I really don't understand this comment. This is one of the most civil and polite boards I have ever seen on the Internet. That is one reason that I keep coming back and spending 'way too much time here. There are 12 non-nfic categories, offtopic is only one of them, and most posts here do not deal with politics. If I see a thread that does deal with politics, I have the choice to read it or not. I definitely do not agree with everything that is posted here. However, sometimes I choose to read posts I disagree with, for the same reason I watch the Daily Show, Sean Hannity, and BBC America's news--I learn from listening to diverse points of view. Sometimes I decide I don't want to put up with what someone is saying and I turn them off, or in the case of these boards, I don't read them. I go back to the archive instead and look for a good story. So, if you are a lurker here, please join the discussion and don't be afraid to post.