Well here is your answer. Because quite frankly you guys don't care about what part of the board feels.
Although I am broadly in agreement with JoJo on these topics - they irritate me to the point that I can't even open them any more and deeply regret it when I do wink - I think it is worth pointing out here the admins of these boards have never, to my knowledge, had a single official complaint about them.

We make no apologies for not basing board policy on rumour and gossip and reported third party conversations with people who heard people (unnamed of course) expressing dissatisfaction.

And, as Jen points out, the results of that poll can hardly be called conclusive in favour of those wanting a ban on these topics. Far more voted either positively for them or expressed no real opinion either way on them than voted negatively against them. It certainly cannot be seen as an endorsement of your argument, Jo.

As Wendy stated at the time of the poll:

However, we do want to emphasise that, as moderators, we want to hear if board members are unhappy, feeling intimidated or believe they've been flamed. Don't just moan about it in private or post on your blog; tell us. We can't read every thread all the time, though we do pay closer attention to any we know could be controversial. Talk to us. Maybe we won't agree that a particular thread should be closed or a particular topic banned, but we do want to know what members think, and to see if we can reach some sort of accommodation.
We received not one single email from a member on the side of banning such threads, after that post. If you don't take up the invitation, it seems churlish to then complain that we don't care what you feel and are ignoring your views.

Perhaps if some of you had, instead of quietly grumbling about it on other forums, we could have found a solution to fit most views. As it is....

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers