I am not taking any position on the Obama/Netenyahu flap at this time. I don't believe we have all the information yet.

But I would like to say that the old "Don't discuss religion and politics" bromide is both tiresome and false. If we can't allow friends to have differing opinions, we're not going to have many friends. I do understand that some people are so inundated by political or religious controversy that they really don't want to be smacked with it here. But you don't have to read it or comment on it.

These two subjects are so pervasive and far-reaching that it's hard to find a theme which doesn't involve one or both of them. And I have some examples from canon. The episode where Lois traveled to a parallel Earth to meet alt-Clark ("Tempus, Anyone?") made a subtle but definite pro-gun control statement with the well-armed citizenry of alt-Metropolis. The episode with Katie Banks ("Ghosts") took a definite stand against a number of Christian teachings. And this was a show which did not develop explicit political or religious themes.

Politics and religion are a huge part of all of our lives. If you don't wish to discuss politics or religion here, I respect your choice. Really, I do. And I understand it. But telling others to avoid such postings or story themes isn't far from censorship.

As long as the thread is civil in tone and based in fact, I have no problem reading such posts, whether I agree with the poster or not.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing