Hey, it happens, kmar. It's one of the hazards of posting in this kind of forum, where we can only rely on the printed word and not facial expressions or tone of voice or...well, whatever.

We can't always be so on the ball that we scrutinise every word of a post before we hit send to make absolutely sure that our intent is crystal clear. Sometimes the odd 'we' slips in where we mean 'I'. wink

So - don't worry about it. Just so long as authors are clear that they are free to write what they wish and readers are clear that they have the absolute right not to read what is posted, we're all cool. smile

Thanks for posting to clear up the misunderstanding. sloppy

BTW, I wouldn't say you were necessarily over-sensitive because you don't like certain plot themes in stories. It's all a matter of taste. There are stories I don't enjoy that others love and I don't think I'll ever understand why...but there you go. laugh There's absolutely nothing wrong in preferring non-dark story themes and although I enjoy that genre in the main, I can certainly understand those who say that life is angry and violent and disturbing enough that they'd want to escape it into something lighter in their reading matter.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers