Down to a Sunless Sea by David Graham

Several hundred pages of gloom and doom, with the characters repeatedly escaping death by minutes as their airliner flees an ongoing nuclear war.

I was OK with that, since I was expecting it to be something like On The Beach, but then it pulled a trick I particularly dislike in disaster novels - two of the last survivors drive off to die alone, but are saved by direct divine intervention to become the new Adam and Eve. And no, there is nothing in the story up to this point to suggest that they are in any way deserving of this role, apart from being slightly in love, or that God is involved in any way, shape, or form until a page or so from the end.

Incidentally, the Wikipedia summary of the plot is slightly inaccurate - there are two versions of the book, one in which everyone is about to die, the other in which everyone is about to die but the chosen two get saved as I've described.

At least the "everyone dies" version is honest, the other one just sucks because there is no justification for it.

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game