Okay, people, how likely is that? When did you last hear of a woman who killed a man, a total stranger, because she believed that he had killed an old high school friend of hers that she had just been reunited with after not seeing her for twenty years?

Come on, people. That sort of thing doesn't happen. It doesn't
Ann, I had to have a quiet chuckle when I read this in your post. This sounds roughly like the plot of a hundred thrillers - fairly standard fair for the genre, in fact. laugh

If you insist on the plots of most books being real we would have quite a lot less books. I'm fairly sure, for example, that we've never faced a zombie invasion that destroyed the world. wink

So when it comes to many books in the thriller/horror genre, some willing suspension of disbelief is definitely a requirement.

One of the most ridiculous examples I've read of this was a thriller by Sidney Sheldon. In which two completely ordinary housewives managed to outwit, elude and escape from highly trained assassins sent to kill them, backed up by a vast organisation with unlimited resources. Not once, but over and over again. One of them was a famous fashion model, for pete's sake! That definitely stretched the concept to the limit. For all that, because I'm a devotee of the genre and accept its rules, I enjoyed the read, even as I rolled my eyes and thought, "No way!" for the hundredth time. goofy

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers