IMO - if his parents have an issue with my husband telling their son he better treat his little girl with respect then that's a big red flag for me. If they wanted to have the same conversation with my daughter [or my son someday], I'd understand that as well. We're not talking death threats or anything.

And my children will not be dating anyone I'm not 'allowed' to talk to.

We already have starting having these conversations with my daughters [at age appropriate levels] but if parents have a serious issue with my husband telling their son he won't get to take our daughter out if he sits in the car and honks or if he pressures her or brings her home after curfew without a REALLY good reason etc, then he probably won't be taking her out. And my son will know that we expect those things of him as well - and that we'd expect the girl to tell us if he wasn't living up to those expectations, just like we'd want our daughters or their boyfriends to tell us.

Just my .02...