I am the father of two daughters. My older daughter (25) has not been the success in her personal life that her younger sister (18) has been (so far). My take is this: If your daughter understands what is expected of her - and agrees that those expectations are not only valid but very important - then it's far more likely that you and she will get along better in the "dating discussion" arena.

And I believe that you should sit down with the boy/young man and let him know what your expectations are. If you don't have a good feeling about his intentions, I suggest a conversation with his parents would be in order.

I don't know how effective this advice would be for you, but as a dad (and as a man) I like it. And if your daughter is on board with your expectations, it should help ease your mind.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing