In Brazil there isn't any laws about names and you can find people with some very odd names. goofy If a person feels that her/his name is embarrassing or that it causes her/him trouble, she/he can get legal authorization to change this name.

Next thing is something that has been brought up to court several times, and last thing I know, the number of names you can give a child is limited to five. (Who needs that many names, anyway?)
Well, when Brazil was an empire belonging to Portugal, our Portuguese rulers had very looooong names. Imperator Peter I's full name was "Peter of Alcantara Francis Anthony John Charles Xavier of Paula Michael Raphael Joaquim Joseph Gonzaga Pascal Cyprian Seraphim of Braganza and Bourbonn" and his sister Princess Isabel was "Isabel Mary of Conception Joan Gualberta Anne Francis of Assisi of Paula of Alcântara Antonia Raphaela Michaela Gabrielle Joachina Gonzaga of Braganza and Borbón". Their father was King John VI, and his full name was "Don John Mary Joseph Francis Javier of Paula Louis Anthony Dominic Raphael of Braganza". I wonder if they remembered their full names. laugh

"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15