Anyone hear about the parents who named their kid Hitler? Or Talula does the Hula from Hawaii?
I remember those. I remember the little boy who was named Hitler - he was an American, and he was adorably cute. His parents seemed nuts, though, even though they obviously loved their boy. I don't remember what happened to him, but I do remember the girl who was named Talulah does the Hula from Hawaii. Talulah etc. was from Australia or New Zealand or something like that, and she complained to authorities that she was unhappy with her name. The authorities agreed with her so wholeheartedly that the girl was made a ward of the state. In other words, her parents lost custody of her. When the girl was no longer under her parents' jurisdiction, she was free to change her name, and she did.

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Adolf Hitler Campbell. Doesn't the boy look like an angel?


P.S. Apparently the little boy was removed from his parents, along with his sisters. The link is here. Poor boy. I think he would rather have stayed with his parents. But how can you get the idea into your head to name your kid Hitler???? confused huh