All the drugs that he had in his system were prescribed medications, he didn't abuse them, he took all the doses as prescribed but it was the mixture of all the different medications he was on, that did it, they didn't mix well with his body chemistry. If I remember correctly his doctors were investigated to find out why he was given all of them at the same time. So it is not like he died of a cocain overdose, that is completely different situation.
Now what I'm saying after this is no reflection on Heath Ledger. I don't know much about the circumstances of his death and so this IS not any kind of judgement. It's just something that I think we should all be aware of. As a nurse that's worked with addicted patients, I find more patients addicted to prescription medications than things like cocaine and heroin. Saying that that is 'different' only adds to the problem. Some people can't face the fact that they are addicted because the meds are 'prescribed' to them. One of the worse drugs to be addicted to is oxycontin and it is a prescribed drug. Prescription drugs are also sold on the street. And again, I'm not saying this was the case with Heath Ledger because I don't know.

I have seen the movie and I thought Heath Ledger did a great job, but I don't think it was particularly Oscar worthy. I don't think he did any better of a job than Jack Nicholson.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~