I thought Heath did an outstanding job! I do feel that he deserves the Oscar nomination, and I hope he gets it. But I also feel that if he does get it, it will be the "sympathy" thing that you were talking about. I thought his performance was great, and I have always thought he was a great actor. Unfortunetly, it is difficult to tell if the feelings would be the same if he were still alive, or if it is because he died too young.

I also just have to add, kmar, I completely understand your opinions on drugs as I agree. However, I have to disagree with one thing that you said...
So I have to say I have no sympathy for Heath Ledger being STUPID and abusing drugs.
All the drugs that he had in his system were prescribed medications, he didn't abuse them, he took all the doses as prescribed but it was the mixture of all the different medications he was on, that did it, they didn't mix well with his body chemistry. If I remember correctly his doctors were investigated to find out why he was given all of them at the same time. So it is not like he died of a cocain overdose, that is completely different situation.