I think many of the high special effects movies get snubbed for Oscars because they are such a large part of the movie, that they became the movie. While I really liked the movie I don't think it was worthy of a best picture Oscar.

About Heath Ledger. Yes he was good as the Joker but I don't think he deserves an Oscar nomination for it. To me he just wasn't that good. I think a lot of times when an actor dies suddenly and under tragic conditions that they get elevated on a pedestal. Add to the fact that they were young and the reaction is even greater. Heath Ledgers death was a shame(not tragic) and I'm tired of hearing about these "tragic" deaths in the entertainment industry because these people are to stupid to realize that they are playing Russian Roulette with their lives. Face it we all know that you do drugs sooner or later your going to die.

Considering all the information put in front of us daily the dangers of drugs is no secret, plus with all the deaths from drug problems that have been publized it just isn't a secret that DRUGS WILL KILL YOU. So I have to say I have no sympathy for Heath Ledger being STUPID and abusing drugs. There is nothing anyone can say that will make me think differently. I do feel sorry for his family because I'm sure they have a lot of anger directed towards him for playing with his life like he did with drugs.

So no I don't think he deserves the Oscar and hope he doesn't get it.