Ann wrote:

Terry, you are assuming that humanity has no adverse impact on the Earth, so you advocate doing nothing to lessen our human footprint on the Earth.
Uh, no, I never wrote that. And I don't believe that. You are putting words in my mouth.

I'm sorry you got smoke blown in your face, Ann, but you can't blame me for that woman's faulty reasoning. I'm pretty sure I've never talked with her about this subject.

Ann also wrote:

Terry, can you really say that the human population can grow almost exponentially, and the average consumption of resources per individual human being can grow, too, and still the Earth, its atmosphere and biosphere will remained unaffected by our presence, our consumption of resources and our deposit of waste products?
Once again, you are putting words in my mouth. I never said this! You are making a mistake when you assume that because I don't agree with everything you say, I must therefore take the view which is the polar opposite from yours. There's a middle ground on this subject whether you admit it or not.

Let me also respond to your graph on human population growth with this website. And here's another one on declining fertility rates. The thrust of this research shows that we're still filling up the planet, but at a slower rate. And in developed countries like the US, the median age is moving upwards. And senior citizens have a pretty low birth rate.

There are two basic reasons for this. The first and most pervasive is that people are living longer. The second reason is that younger people are having fewer children. This site tells us that many nations in Europe actually have negative fertility rates. (The optimum rate for zero population growth is 2.1 children per couple, which allows for a minimal pre-reproductive period death rate.) And population growth in the US is credited largely (but not solely) to immigration, both legal and illegal.

Accusing me of holding extreme views because I disagree with you is - oh, how did you put it in an earlier post?

All in all, I find his argumentation lousy.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing