Just because you can find tons of websites about something doesn't mean it's true. All it says is that a lot of people are talking about it.
Absolutely. And I remember Y2K, but it didn't scare me all that much. The general sense of worry was nothing near what the persistent and long-lasting worry regarding global warming has been, not the way I remember it. Besides, if Y2K happened, it would be a one-time thing, and hopefully there would be a relatively quick and easy fix for it.

Like I said, the simple fact that people talk a lot about something doesn't make it a serious problem. But when so many scientists worry about global warming, you won't have me saying that it's all just so much hogwash or that all those scientists are only motivated by the prospect of making a bunch of money for themselves.

Again, scientists have been known to be wrong so many times before. Today's scientists don't know nearly enough about how the Earth's climate works to be able to say with any certainty that the climate is really changing, or that humanity is responsible.

But so many of them are worried. And if you picture all the chimneys and exhaust fumes in the world as humanity's collective smoking, then I think it is more than reasonable to see the Earth as a patient that is growing ever sicker because of the effects of passive smoking.
