To me, that means that at least some people who oppose the idea of humanity's responsibility for climate change do so at least partly because of economic self-interest, not because of objectivity or altruism.

I worry about climate change and humanity's responsibility for it, and I don't think I stand to make any economic gains if there is a global effort to fight climate change.
You are in error, Ann. Your statement above assumes that global warming is something which humans have either caused or have materially contributed to. This premise is false.

Here\'s another story about Al Gore and his dishonest global warming presentation. Be sure and watch the YouTube video linked within this story.

If humans are indeed causing global warming - or even significantly accelerating it - no one can prove it. You don't know that humans are causing global warming. You may believe it, but you don't know it, because there is no proof for the assertion.

Mind you, I'm not claiming that the assertion is untrue, only that it's unproven. And the more that Al Gore changes his presentation, the more we see scientists go on record saying that global warming is a farce, the more weather data that comes in each year which contradicts all the warming models, the less inclined I am to give this theory the time of day, much less accept it as a given.

I would also like to address the economic part of your statement, where you accuse those who disagree with you of being selfish and greedy. I personally don't agree with you at all. I do not oppose the global warming theorists on the grounds that "fixing the problem" will take money out of my pocket. I oppose the global warming theorists on the grounds that there is no problem. We've been having this debate for more than twenty years now, and if humans were causing global warming there would be a strong consensus in the scientific community. There is not. If we were burning up the planet, there would be reams of data with multiple corroboration across multiple disciplines. There is not. If we were drowning in our own CO2, we'd know it. And we aren't.

Your logic is flawed because your premise is faulty, Ann. The data does not support your assertion.

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- Stephen King, from On Writing